Termite Protection

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    Termite Protection in Melbourne & Victoria

    Termite protection is essential for all homes in Australia as a majority of property is in areas at high to very high risk of a termite attack.

    Termite protection is incorporated into new buildings during construction (pre-construction termite protection) and managed in existing properties through a termite management plan.

    The risk of termite attack  across Australia

    Contact Termites VIC Termite & Pest Control (formerly Fumapest) for advice and a quote before staring your next building or renovation project.

    Termite Protection for New Buildings and Renovations

    The building codes have quite clear requirements regarding termite protection for new buildings, extensions and renovation work. However, in Melbourne there is a somewhat strange situation whereby council areas can be designated “termite declared” which means such protection is mandatory in those areas. The reality is that termites are everywhere in Melbourne and for some areas to be “termite declared” and other not, simply makes no sense. In other states termite protection regulations apply to all new buildings.

    It’s a good idea to consult an independent termite professional rather than just rely on your builder, to ensure you get the correct advice and a range of options to consider. It’s a good ideal to consider all the termite protection rather than just accepting the bare minimum or cheapest.

    When do you need to consider termite protection?

    The purpose of termite protection is to eliminate concealed termite entry points. It doesn’t stop termites entering the building, it just means to do so they have to build around the termite protection, making themselves visible and therefore detected by the homeowner or during a termite inspection.

    Termite protection therefore needs to be installed in any situation where a concealed termite entry point could be created:

    • New buildings: Termite protection products are installed during the construction process and are integrated with the physical elements of the building to eliminate all concealed termite entry points
    • Extensions: Whenever there is an addition to a building the termite protection needs to be assessed as the join between the existing building and extension will create concealed termite entry points that need protecting
    • Renovations: Internal renovations, especially to the bathroom, laundry and kitchen will likely need termite protection. Unprotected utility pipe penetrations are a common route of termite entry
    • Landscaping: Building decks, patios, driveways, paths and gardens can all create concealed entry points. Often landscapers are completely unaware of the regulations and issues.
    Termite protection new building
    Termite protection (Kordon) being installed on a new building during construction
    Termite protection for an extension
    Termite protection (Kordon) being installed during the addition of an extension

    Why choose Termites VIC for your Termite Protection Requirements?

    • We provide termite protection solutions for new homes, extensions and renovations
    • Termites VIC are fully licensed and insured to carry out termite work
    • We have over 35 years of experience in termite management
    • All installations are installed to Australian Standards 3660.1
    • Termites VIC are accredited installers of Kordon and Termseal, the premier Australian termite protection systems
    • The products we use provide for a warranty period of up to 50 years
    • We issue a Certificate of Treatment on completion of installation

    What our customer say…

    Termite protection products

    Termites VIC are accredited to install Kordon, the premium Australian made termite protection system. Developed and produced in Australia, Kordon has been on the market for over 25 years and has successfully protected over 220,000 homes. It is CodeMark certified to 50-year durability.

    We also use Termseal, an Australian owned company that have been producing quality termite protection products over over 20 years in Australia.

    Don’t forget about Termite Inspections!

    Even though buildings have termite protection measures installed, annual termite inspections are still an essential part of the termite management plan. Not only are annual inspection required to maintain any warranty, but they will pick up any termite activity on the property, areas where they may have built around the termite protection and areas where the termite protection system may have been compromised by natural (eg. tree roots) or homeowner (eg. landscaping) activities.

    Termite Protection for Existing Buildings
    – The Termite Management Plan

    For existing buildings, even if they have suitable termite protection installed, a termite management plan is required to provide ongoing protection against termites.

    There are 3 key elements to a termite management plan:

    • Termite inspection: Annual termite inspections are a must to pick up termite activity and any conditions / issues around the property that may make a termite attack more likely
    • Act on recommendations: It is important to act on recommendations from the termite inspection report to reduce the chances of a termite attack
    • Install a termite management system: A termite management system or termite treatment (soil treatment or termite baiting system) will provide the long term termite protection for the building

    If you home comes under termite attack, a termite treatment will be necessary to eliminate the active termites from the building before installing a termite management system.

    Termite Protection – Frequently Asked Questions

    Is termite protection necessary?

    Yes, termite attack is more likely than fire, flood and natural disaster combined and is not covered by standard home insurance. Ignore the “termite declared” areas designated by some local councils – termites are found throughout Melbourne and Victoria and all homes are under threat.

    Get your FREE termite protection quote today!

    If you need to termite protection your property, get in touch with the experts at Termites VIC Termite & Pest Control today. Call us on 1800 113 112 or submit an online enquiry to get the professional termite protection advice and assistance you need.

    Fumapest Termite and Pest Control Service area

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